Official invitation to the European Championship Slovakia 2011

Slovak Union of Taekwon-Do ITF has the honour to invite you to the 26th Senior and 17th Junior European Championships – Bratislava 2011.

This letter serves as an official invitation to your National Association to send your delegations to this prestigious Taekwon – Do event.

The 26th Senior and 17th Junior European Championships will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia from 20th to 23rd October 2011. The competition will take place in the athletic hall Elan. The stadium is located within easy walking distance to hotels, shopping, restaurants and entertainment.

By participation in this competition you can represent your National Association and your country.

Please visit the official website at for all details including planned tournament schedule.

I hope the European Championship will be a great opportunity and unforgettable event for all participants and will bring a lot of success which will make happy all of us.

We look forward to your participation.

Yours in Taekwon–Do ITF

Mr. Ladislav Huňady
President Slovak Uninion of Taekwon - Do ITF

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